gore slut
june 1998
heavenhotel - stickman
dirk belmans
jacki billet
tomas noppe
rudy trouvé
contributing artists: sigrid van rosendaal, geert van bever, aarich jespers
00: burnout (remix)
01: lisa tape
02: stumble (2)
03: bitterfruit
04: lost
05: accident
06: devious
07: in limbo
08: showing off bruises
09: building
10: 3 times
11: lisa drugstore
12: hurt
13: burnout
A new beautiful album by Gore slut, this time a more ‘coherent’ unity than These days are the quiet kind.
There are some truly beautiful songs on here, not the least In Limbo, 3 Times and the wonderful Burnout. There’s a slightly inferior remix of Burnout as well as a hidden track- manually rewind the first track a few minutes and there you are (isn’t possible on all cd-players though). The second coming of Stumble is a great- almost aggressive reprise- totally different from the first version.
The biggest difference between the first and the second Gore Slut album is pretty much summed up by the cd sleeve, which warns about several tracks not being audible in cars, on the radio or in company with friends- in which they might have a point. Some tracks truly demand the listener’s attention- sometimes forced by the screaming guitar riffs. Not that we mind of course.
I’m not very good at making up totally inventive adverbs- but take it from me, this is a great album. E de mim tambem,de 98, mas ... simplesmente Genial!!!
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